This is what the LORD says:
"Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls."
Jer 6:16

Om nama shivaya

Om nama shivaya

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Well, bugger me...

So I google - "coin flip to prove God's existence" and get:

"Now, say you flip the coin ten times and it comes up tails every time. "Surely this is evidence that God doesn't exist", some atheist idiot might claim. "At this point, this is not about your faith being tested, but the fact that there's no God that can make it land heads!"

Well, what I got to say may surprise you: In this case, God made it land tails on purpose. And that proves God. But how?

Did you know the odds of a coin landing tails ten times is astronomically impossible? For you to witness such a rare and unlikely event could only be explained as a miracle! Only God could make a coin land tails ten times in a row! Don't believe me? Start flipping again. See if you can make it land tails tens times again. Go ahead and try'll be there all day.

In conclusion, all an unbeliever has to do is take out a coin and flip it to see in front of their very eyes that God is indeed real and that Jesus Christ died for their sins on the cross." (

So, of course I'm thinking this is nuts, so I go to my favorite and flip 10 and get:

So, I'm thinking "Well, bugger me..."

Then of course you do the math and realize that the odds of a coin landing ten times in a row = 1/1024. Not particularly staggering considering how often people win the lottery.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

What is unchanging?

PIt seems that the physical world is. It also seems that every aspect of the physical world is in flux. It's all changing and all passing away. Then there is the experience of the mystic of the apparent unchangeable and in unchanging ground - consciousness itself - in which the world arises. 
Experiencing the unchanging ground now, I seem to have the same experience of the same thing that I experienced two days ago, or two decades ago for that matter. I recognize it instantly as the same - seemingly in a different way from recognizing an old friend I haven't seen for two decades - my friend seems familiar, but I have to struggle to recognize the face, to bridge the physical changes over the passage of time.
Then there's another friend who has changed little, but they've changed. You fall back into an easy familiarity and its as if the years between have never happened.
And the friend I saw yesterday. Had a haircut and changed his clothes, but has not changed in any essential way since then.
In the longer term cases, given enough exposure now, the memory of the old part of the old friend is gradually altered so that it becomes difficult to remember the two decades past version and you need a photo or video to bring that one to mind.
So is the unchanging ground so unchanging? Nothing seems to happen there, nothing in my experience has apparently changed. But how reliable are my experiences in this? I recognize it immediately and unconditionally as the same consciousness I experienced before, but how complete is my experience of it now, and my memory of the experience of it then, that I can build an entire cosmology on its unchanging nature? What I experience now, I immediately remember experiencing then, and it seems that nothing has changed. But all I can say with certainty is that I haven't noticed any change.