This is what the LORD says:
"Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls."
Jer 6:16

Om nama shivaya

Om nama shivaya

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Andrew's apology

Another year gone…a year of processing the AC experience…a year of struggling and fighting with Christianity, EE, AA…all the totalizing thought systems that I’ve been engrossed in and possessed by my entire life (or at least since 74 and the exorcism).

And now AC himself is gone. Literally gone, resigned as guru, apologized for his ego and wandered off for a bit of a sabbatical. That short apology (on June 26th): "I’m fifty-seven years old and currently find myself facing the biggest challenge of my life. I’ve been a teacher of spiritual enlightenment for twenty-seven years. Enlightenment has always been and always will be about transcending the ego. Over the last several years, some of my closest students have tried to make it apparent to me that in spite of the depth of my awakening, my ego is still alive and well.

"I’ve understood this simple truth—that we all have egos no matter how enlightened we may be—and even taught it to thousands of people all over the world throughout my career. But when I was being asked to face my own ego by those who were nearest and dearest to me, I resisted. And I often made their lives difficult as a result.

"I’m aware that many of my students over the years have also been affected by my lack of awareness of this part of myself. And for those of you who are reading this, I apologize. As time passes I intend to reach out and engage in a process of dialogue with those of you who would like to.

"In light of all this, for the sake of my own integrity as a spiritual teacher and as a human being, I’ve decided that I need to take some time off so I can make the effort to develop in many of the ways that I’ve asked other people to. Starting this fall, once I’ve fulfilled some prior commitments, I’m going to embark upon a sabbatical for an extended period of time. During this hiatus, I will be stepping down from the leadership of my organization, I won’t be publishing anything here on my blog, and will not be doing any public teaching. My intention is to become a better teacher, and more importantly, a better man.

"One of the most beautiful fruits of my work over the years has been the international network of people who have studied, collaborated, and trained with me for so long. They are all examples of Evolutionary Enlightenment in their own right, and I couldn’t imagine a greater community of people to carry forward this movement. I’m looking forward to working with them in a very different way in the future."

Looks like the students finally grew up and saw him for what he is, and called him to account. The recognition and impulse that caused so many of us to up and leave over the years (the recognition that Andrew was teaching not enlightenment but obedience and servitude to his ego) has finally got a hold of enough of the senior students that he could no longer stand against it.

And strangely, AC’s apology is a vindication that I saw the truth about him. That it was not a failure in me that led me to leave, but a failure in him as a teacher. His words were not true – he said he was teaching freedom, but in fact was teaching slavery to the guru.

So that leaves me with the experience itself. That profound recognition that there is a dimension of reality that grounds everything. Dress it up in a thousand concepts and religions and all you do is hide it. The advaitinis can’t see anything but the ground. The materialists can’t see the ground at all. In the middle are the religionists who know there’s a ground, who know there’s a ground, and know there’s a manifest world, and have a million explanations of how you get from ground to manifestation and back again. Some of the explanations are truer that others, but none is complete. Because all explanations are only explanations and not the experience itself. EE does not explain it all. Christianity does not explain it all. But both perspectives give ways of beginning to conceptualize what we're going through in living, and of conceptualizing the relationship between the ground of being and being.

So where does it leave me after all this drama (mostly in my mind drama)? Blown open again. No longer standing on solid ground, but grounded in the experience of consciousness that is primary and primordial and evolving and already complete.

Yesterday walking in the sunshine on 1st avenue of all places, barriers seemed to dissolve. That initial opening that happened when I heard AC’s apology, opened even more. The dynamic inherent in the way I approach spirituality became clear: the constant drive to classify, confirm, constrict, confine – to arrive at TRUTH and remain. Whereas everything that is manifest is in flux. Becoming and dissolving. The mistake of advaita is to see everything that is in flux as illusory. It is as real as the unchanging ground, but the manifest is that aspect of the ground which is relational. It is ultimately as indivisible from the ground as that aspect which is all sufficient. The ground is complete, eternal, unchanging, empty, still. The ground is loving, evolving, changing, relating, full, overflowing, moving, manifesting. The ground constantly creates other, brings it into relationship and unites with it. The ground is ultimate simplicity and oneness, but ultimately complexifying and unifying. Religion is the attempt to set all this in stone, is the attempt to make tomorrow predictable. And tomorrow can never be predictable, because the complexity that it the manifest cosmos, constantly inter-reacts/relates to produce the next moment – no human mind can contain that/comprehend. God itself cannot predict tomorrow, because it is the nature of God/ground to manifest as other – it is in the nature of God/ground to introduce unpredictability – that is the essence of creativity.

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